OhioLINK pursues a multi-pronged, "hybrid" approach to textbook affordability. Not just OER (Open Educational Resources), not just library materials, but also inclusive access. Why? Because our sole interest is the benefit of students, which requires us to evaluate strategies based on their potential for impact—both immediately and in the future.
OhioLINK negotiated statewide pricing agreements for inclusive access textbooks with four major publishers: McGraw-Hill Education, Pearson, Cengage, and Sage. It covers all 87 member academic institutions in OhioLINK – public and private. According to the publishers, this is a groundbreaking initiative in its scale and comprehensiveness across virtually all non-profit higher education institutions in a single state.
Important resources:
- Inclusive Access Primer for OhioLINK Member Institutions
- OhioLINK 2022 Inclusive Access Pricing Matrix