OhioLINK Staff

Anna Bendo
Anna manages OhioLINK's affordable learning initiatives to lower the cost of college for Ohio higher education students by assisting our member libraries and campuses in identifying strategies for Open and Affordable Learning textbook and course material adoption, and helping locate statewide shareable library materials as well as open educational resources that are no cost or lower cost to students.

Tasha Bryant-Willis
Tasha Bryant-Willis is OhioLINK’s member support coordinator. In this role, she serves as the first point of contact for membership, assists in developing processes to coordinate member relations and facilitates cooperation among OhioLINK’s member libraries and active policy teams, executing communication, and providing frontline support for OhioLINK core services.

Judy Cobb
Judy Cobb is the Associate Director of Operations and Platforms at OhioLINK. Cobb leads the implementation of policies and procedures for the operational support and assessment of internal OhioLINK services, as well as prioritizes projects for future development across the entire OhioLINK services portfolio. Her responsibilities include directing OhioLINK’s content platforms, member support, and eTutoring services.

Stefanie Cunningham
Stefanie Cunningham is the administrative coordinator of OhioLINK. In this position she coordinates the calendar for the Executive Director, works on eLicensing with the Deputy Director, and works closely with the OH-TECH business office to make sure all our institutions get invoiced for resources and the OhioLINK vendors get paid.

Nichole Frederick
Nichole Frederick is OhioLINK’s Systems & Data Viz Librarian. Frederick assists in planning, implementing, and managing central library catalog functions. She provides support for OhioLINK’s library catalogs and the integration of local systems, including print lending, link resolver, and associated services.

Emily Flynn
Emily Flynn is the Metadata and ETD Coordinator at OhioLINK. She manages the cataloging of consortial e-resources, troubleshoots e-book metadata and access issues, manages the Electronic Theses and Dissertations (ETD) Center for more than 30 member institutions and works closely with the OH-TECH developers and the OhioLINK ETD community.

Joanna Gilicinski
Joanna (Jo) Gilicinski is Service & Resource Data Coordinator at OhioLINK. She collects, analyzes, and reports data related to the consortium’s extensive portfolio of electronic resources and works closely with the Collection & Insight Analyst. Jo has experience as a patent researcher, and has worked in libraries for the US Army, University of Southern California Medical Library, and the Walt Disney Television Animation Library.

Patti Grimes
Patti uses her management, data, and organizational skills to lead the eTutoring Program, which provides academic support for traditional and online courses, and distance learners. Her responsibilities include program administration and promotion, as well as operational support for the two- and four-year, public and private institutions participating in the collaborative program.
Melissa Hill
Melissa Hill is OhioLINK’s Electronic Resource Analysis Librarian. She manages, configures, analyzes, and troubleshoots consortium e-resources, and also administers the open access publishing process for OhioLINK libraries.

Erin Kilkenny
Erin Kilkenny is the Cataloging & Metadata Librarian for OhioLINK. She works closely with the Metadata and ETD Coordinator to catalog and claim OhioLINK e-resource purchases. Kilkenny also evaluates metadata quality control and production processes to ensure content and metadata are accurate and complete. She is working on an e-book record quality project in collaboration with Springer and OCLC to benefit the worldwide OCLC cataloging community.
Laney Knight
Laney Knight is OhioLINK’s Consortial Systems Librarian, part of the Discovery and Delivery team. She supports the migration and implementation of Alma and Primo VE through project management and technical instruction, and is the primary contact for member library LSP support.

April Levy
April Levy is OhioLINK’s Resource Acquisitions Librarian. She works with the executive director on contracts for journals articles, e-books and databases and also assists with contract acquisition, management, and renewal. She ensures OhioLINK members are receiving the resources they pay for, and provides feedback to vendors. April received her undergraduate degree from Oberlin College and holds an MLIS from Indiana University.

Amy Pawlowski
Amy Pawlowski has nearly 20 years of experience in special, public, and academic libraries and library-related private industry, with expertise in library technology and the e-books/e-journals publishing ecosystem.

Ann Rogers
As Marketing and Outreach Manager, Ann Rogers helps OhioLINK communicate its with users and members. She has held marketing communications roles with national and international creative services consultants. Prior to joining OhioLINK, Ann was a reference librarian at a local public library and also worked with a special library/archives. She earned her MLIS from Kent State University.

Theda Schwing
Theda Schwing is the Associate Director of Discovery and Delivery for OhioLINK. Schwing leads OhioLINK-member technology integration, OhioLINK’s member support site, and shared library services, including the OhioLINK central library catalogs, authentication, document delivery, and discovery services. Her responsibilities also include managing operations with library vendors.

Susan Stack
Susan is OhioLINK's Technology Implementation Specialist for Systems. She has an extensive background in software engineering for manufacturing, finance, telecom, and consumer product companies. Her mission is to solve library problems by implementing technical solutions. Susan is an IEEE member, and holds an MLIS from Dominican University.

Jennie Thomas
Jennie Thomas is the Electronic Serials Librarian of OhioLINK. She claims electronic serial content delivered to the OhioLINK Electronic Journal Center.

Joanna Voss
Joanna Voss is Associate Director of Licensing and Analytics for OhioLINK. Voss leads data analysis initiatives, including ensuring vendor data quality and consistency to support effective evidence-based decision-making. She manages collection and data analysis on consortial electronic resource content, open access, and OhioLINK key performance metrics.