Tip of the Week - #023 (Paging slip counts)

Keywords: paging slips

Situation 1:
No paging slips are in the queue to print. This could be normal if you are a small library, but if you are use to getting a bunch everyday, then contact III right away. Its likely they are 'stuck' at central.
Situation 2:
Too few paging slips (i.e. fewer than 'normal') are in the queue to print. This also, could be just a normal thing, but if you question it at all, contact III (some could be stuck back at central).
Situation 3:
Too many paging slips (i.e. more than 'normal') are in the queue to print. Don't have a clue. Just process them and try to smile! :-) If it continues, contact me (and I'll sympathize).

See Also: 
Recreating the Paging Slip Print-out