Community of Interest Application

The submitter will be the sole point of contact for the Community of Interest. As such, your name, email address, and phone number will be available on the OhioLINK Ostaff pages.

All COIs require at least ten members and should maintain their own leadership structure.  A COI must provide a statement of purpose and/or goals. OhioLINK may review COIs annually to determine whether or not the stated goals are being met.

COIs may maintain their own web pages and communication tools, or OhioLINK can help with this by supplying the COI with an Ostaff page and listserv.

Within 30 days OhioLINK staff will review the application set up the requested communication tools, and include your COI on the OhioLINK Ostaff pages.

In addition, we will contact the submitter with any question and notify you when set up is complete.

If you have questions about this process, or if 30 days have passed, please contact us at