Keywords: re-request, canceling requests
Oftentimes folks receive requests for items that are not available at their library. In these cases, we always ask the person who receives the request to 'cancel with re-request'. This is the default meaning of the Cancel Hold function. You just choose "Cancel Hold" and it will automatically cancel with re-request. What this function does is determine (again using the same priority procedures that are used for the original request) if there is another library with an available copy. If there is, the system automatically cancels the request at the original library and places a new request at the new library. A paging slip will then show up at the new library and the patron library data will be updated to show the request has been 're-requested' (an actual status of &). Thus, if the patron inquires about the delay, you can tell them that the first library chosen could not fill the request and it has now been routed to a new library. This can actually go on until the request has been in the system for 25 days and still has not been filled, OR it runs out of libraries to request from. Then the system automatically cancels the request completely. The person canceling does NOT have to know if there are other libraries with available copies. They just need to cancel with re-request and the system does the rest. If there are no other available copies, then request gets cancelled completely.
It is very IMPORTANT that the library (or subsequent libraries) who cancel with re-request, mark the item with a different status code than "-" (available) BEFORE they cancel. If you don't, then may get the request right back especially if you have the only available copy.