Member colleges and universities identify, provide and pay trained tutors for the eTutoring platform. Many of these
individuals have attained CRLA Master Tutor status, are current faculty members, retired professionals, or exceptional undergraduate or graduate students.

Tutors must complete rigorous online eTutoring-specific training. All training must be approved by the OhioLINK eTutoring Coordinator. eTutoring training consists of eTutoring protocol and technology training so tutors can utilize the platform that is used for real-time online eChat sessions. All eTutors work with a master tutor prior to being placed on the schedule.
Tutors are typically available from 5 p.m. to 10 p.m., Sunday through Friday. Hours of availability in specific subjects may vary.
Prospective tutors may complete a subject aptitude test and return it to their institution's Campus Coordinator.